Book Donations
Thank you for your consideration of the Ira J. Taylor Library.
Donations for our Archives – of Iliff-related items will be considered, and likely accepted. (related to the Iliff School of Theology, or Elizabeth Iliff Warren/Henry White Warren/John Wesley Iliff family)
Bulk book donations are not accepted at this time. Please check with us again in November. Please consider donating to another local school/library, or your local community thrift stores, etc. at this time. You can fill out the form now if you’d still prefer to donate to Iliff, they will be assessed after fall quarter.
Currently, we are on a donation freeze. (When we resume, donations will be limited to one (1) box per person per quarter (3 months/season))
Donations of books should be free of mildew, mold, water damage, and excessive dirt or dust; if books with these are discovered, any books in the same container will be disposed of for safety.
Additionally, books with highlighting/marking, excessive spine damage, missing covers, or missing pages are unlikely to be considered for our collection, and may not make it to the book sale (exceptions may be made for books of limited print, or published more than 50 years ago – 1973 and older).
In keeping with library policy, we examine all donations in order to determine whether the materials fit the subject interests and scope of the collection here. Library staff may choose to accept or deny donations at their discretion, please reach out in advance.
If we receive an item already in the collection, or that it is not a good match for our collection, we may use it in our book sale fundraising, or send it to Better World Books to find a new home.
If you are unsure about relevance, you can also email us a list of books in spreadsheet or document format, or photo of the books on shelf, so that the spines are clearly visible. Please include title, author/creator, year of publication, and ISBN.
Email the photos/list of items to: – Staff will give you a call or email to follow up.
Filling out the form, as well as clicking the checkbox, indicates your acceptance of this policy as listed in the paragraphs above.
If you would like a receipt of donation, we require that this form be filled out prior to your donation.