Library Policies
The covenant for community is an effort to live out the vision and mission of the Iliff School of Theology and to embody the values expressed therein. As members of the Iliff community, the library aspires to abide by the processes set forth in our respective handbooks (students, trustees, faculty, staff) and the principles of interaction outline in our Iliff Community Covenant.
All library patrons are expected to abide by library and school policies, including the following:
General Policies
Circulation Policies
Computer Use Policies
Study Carrel & Locker Policies
General Policies
Cell Phones
Cell phone conversations should only be conducted on the main floor. As a consideration to other patrons, please silence your cell phone when you enter our space. Also, in order to maintain an atmosphere for study and reading on the top and bottom floors, it is requested that you do not conduct cell phone conversations there.
In light of possible injury and other liability concerns, Iliff’s policy is that children under the age of 12 may not be left unsupervised in any Iliff academic facilities. We cannot be responsible for computer use by children and expect that children under the age of 12 will be accompanied and supervised by a responsible adult at all times. Because the library supports open access to the Internet for research purposes, we cannot be responsible for intentional or inadvertent viewing of particular sites by children or other patrons.
Food and Drink
Food and Drink are allowed in the library, but please be mindful of our computers and books by keeping food and drinks from damaging them. Please help us prevent damage to books, furniture, and carpets by reporting any spills to the library staff.
Although we are concerned with protecting your privacy, patrons should be aware that, under the auspices of the USA Patriot Act, library records can be subpoenaed by the federal government.
Copy, Print, and Scan Policy
Printing, photocopying, and scanning is available in the library on the main floor. The cost per print or copy page is $0.10 per side for black and white or $0.25 for color with a $1.00 minimum charge. Scanning is free. Copy and print stations only accept major credit or debit cards. No cash is accepted. Instructions are located next to the copier station.
The copyright law of the United States (Title 17 U.S. Code) governs the making of photocopies or scanning of copyrighted materials. Persons using the library’s equipment are liable for any infringement.
Report trouble with machines to the circulation desk or support@iliff.edu.
Circulation Policies
Library Users
Any of the following are welcome to check books out from the library (those who are not members of the Iliff or DU community will need to register at the circulation desk):
- Students:
- Iliff students
- DU students
- Students who have borrowing privileges from other Atla member libraries
- Faculty:
- Iliff faculty
- Iliff adjunct faculty
- Iliff retired faculty
- Iliff staff
- Iliff trustees
- DU faculty
- DU staff
- Iliff alumni/ae
- Clergy of the Mountain Sky Conference of the United Methodist Church
- Other:
- Local visitor, no charge (must be a resident of the Denver metro area, limited to 3 items checked out at a time, may not use ILL; need driver’s license, Colorado ID, printed checks, car insurance, or other identification and proof of local residency).
- Paid visitor, $50/year (limited to 10 items checked out at a time, may not use ILL; need driver’s license or other ID showing current address).
Loan Periods
Patron Type | Loan Period | Number of Items |
Iliff or DU faculty | 1 year (books due May 15) | Unlimited |
Iliff or DU doctoral students | 1 year (books due May 15) | Unlimited |
Iliff or DU masters’ students | 10 weeks | Unlimited |
DU undergraduate students | 3 weeks | Unlimited |
Iliff Alumni/-ae | 3 weeks | 10 Items |
Atla reciprocal borrower | 10 weeks | Unlimited |
Paid visitor | 10 weeks | 10 items |
Local visitor | 10 weeks | 3 items |
A library user who wishes to borrow an item that is already checked out to someone else can place a recall on the item. A recall changes the item’s due date to tree weeks from the date of the recall. All circulating items are subject to recall.
Fines will be assessed to users who do not return library items by the appropriate due date.
- Late items: $0.50 per day per item
- Recalled late items: $1.00 per day per item
Members of the public who do not meet the criteria to be a local visitor or who meet the criteria but would like more extensive borrowing privileges may buy an annual membership and become paid visitors for $50.00 a year.
Computer Use Policies
The library provides computer resources to support the scholarly research and educational purposes of the Iliff community. Such academic work takes precedence over all other uses of the technology. Our resources are available for use by all patrons; however, priority in seating is given to our primary clientele, particularly during peak times. Our primary clientele includes Iliff faculty, staff, students, trustees, and others as authorized.
Acceptable Use of Computer Work Stations
We support the scholarly research and educational goals of the Iliff School of Theology. The following represents a guide to acceptable use of computer workstations and electronic resources. It is not intended to identify all acceptable uses, but to indicate those uses which are clearly consistent with the purposes of these resources.
Acceptable uses include:
- Accessing the online catalogs of the Ira J. Taylor Library and other libraries
- Accessing online databases for which the Library has obtained site licenses
- Accessing Internet resources for educational purposes
- Using Iliff and/or DU e-mail
- Using Iliff supported software, including the Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, Power Point, and Access)
Unacceptable Use of Computer Work Stations
The following list characterizes unacceptable use. It is not intended to identify all unacceptable uses, but to indicate the types of uses which are clearly inconsistent with the purposes of these resources.
Unacceptable uses include:
- Failing to comply with United States or Colorado law, including copyright laws and licensing agreements, or engaging in any other illegal activity
- Failing to comply with the policies listed in the current Iliff School of Theology Handbook, including the Standards of Community Conduct, Policy on Protection Against Sexual Misconduct, and Policy on Academic Integrity
- Violating the computer security or network integrity, including attempts to bypass network security, obtain passwords, share passwords with others, or the unauthorized use of passwords
- Behaving in ways that are disruptive, abusive, offensive, or insensitive to the rights of others, or that obstruct others in their use of our resources
- Engaging in commercial activities other than Iliff School of Theology business
- Deliberately altering any files or modifying the configuration of any equipment
- Damaging or destroying equipment
- Connecting unauthorized equipment to the network
- Removing any part of the workstations
- Attempting to fix or repair hardware and/or software problems
- Downloading and/or installing files or software to hard drives
- Using printing resources excessively
Conditions of Use
By using our computer and/or electronic resources, you are agreeing to accept personal responsibility for considerate, ethical, and responsible behavior in your use of the available resources.
Questions as to what is or is not an acceptable use should be directed to support@iliff.edu. We may at any time make a determination as to whether or not a particular use is or is not consistent with the purposes of the Library’s Policy on the Use of Library Technology Resources, and is therefore acceptable or unacceptable.
The consequences of failing to comply with this policy will be determined by the staff of the library and weighted according to the severity of the infraction(s).
The library is not responsible for the loss or corruption of data, and assumes no responsibility for damages, direct or indirect, arising from the use of its technology and network facilities.
The library is not responsible for files saved on computer hard drives. Staff regularly delete these files.
The library supports open access to the Internet for research purposes but cannot be responsible for intentional or inadvertent viewing of particular sites by patrons.
Patrons may not reserve computer workstations in advance, nor may they leave personal materials at a workstation in order to reserve it while they are gone for an extended period of time.
We reserve the right to establish time limits or change policies as needed. Any questions regarding this policy or computing resources should be directed to support@iliff.edu.
Study Carrel & Locker Policies
The Taylor Library provides a limited amount of study carrels to members of the Iliff community – top priority is given to current Iliff students first, and those who are in good standing with the institution.
Current Iliff Students: may reserve a study carrel for a period running through the current academic year, from September through the following June.
Public Patrons: alumni, visiting scholars, and members of the public may reserve remaining available carrels, starting in October. These may be reserved on a monthly basis, with possibility to renew during the last week of each month, and ending in August. Renewal is not guaranteed if current student need exceeds available units.
If you would like to request a study carrel for the academic year, please read the study carrel policy and fill out the form below. A Librarian will contact you with further information after it has been received and processed.
- One (1) carrel may be assigned to each person. Lockers are available for additional storage, also limited to one (1) per person – lockers have library-provided padlocks, you will be given a key to access yours, which will need to be returned when your check-out period is over.
- TIME: Your carrel/locker may be accessed during library hours. It may be possible for after-hour usage (currently being assessed), however this is not guaranteed and will need to be cleared through the Librarian ahead of time.
- DECOR: You may opt to decorate your carrel (within reason) to support focus, energy, and motivation. Please be considerate of others who share and use the library space and refrain from anything extending beyond the carrel, and nothing hazardous or problematic. Should you decorate your carrel, please use easy removal sticky tack, or painters tape only. (No heavy adhesive tapes, or scotch tape allowed)
- BELONGINGS: It is your responsibility to retrieve any needed items from the library, carrels, or lockers, before you leave, daily closings, and scheduled closures. Staff are not available for after-hours assistance/return to the building.
- SECURITY: Taylor Library and Library Staff are not responsible for lost or damaged belongings. Please consider a locker for additional security, or take items with you when you leave.
- BOOKS: Out of consideration for other library users, all library materials left in your carrel overnight must be checked out. Reference books and Periodical materials may not be left in carrels. Any such material found by library staff will be removed and re-shelved.
- FOOD: food and beverages may be enjoyed at your own study carrel, however we request that all food/drink be taken out of the library with you when you leave to avoid spills, mold, or pests. If available, your food/drink may be moved to the Iliff Commons refrigerator.
- FIRE: In accordance with fire code, no candles or incense are allowed in the carrels. Additionally, the use/storage of heated elements/burn risk items such as coffee pots, hot plates, etc. are not permitted in carrels.
- NOISE: Study carrels are intended for focus, please be courteous of your neighbors and keep noise to a minimum, earbuds/headphones are recommended for music/audiobooks/podcasts, etc. Please take phone calls to an unoccupied space in the lower level, or to the main level of the library.
- SEATING: There may be a variety of seating options available within the library carrels. You may select a chair from an “Available” carrel to swap with yours to suit your comfort; chairs at “Occupied” carrels are considered chosen and not to be swapped. Ask a librarian for assistance if you have questions/issues with your seating.
- CLEAN: please ensure that you maintain a clean study carrel, not storing food, liquids, perishables, items with heavy fragrances, etc. that may interfere with fellow researchers and users of the library.
- DAMAGES: Damaged/broken furniture, or items ruined by food, drink, or other means may result in loss of study carrel privileges and/or fines. We realize these are not new units but please make efforts to keep them in functioning order.
- FINES: Should there be excessive cleaning or replacement of furniture necessary, or lost locker key, Library staff may place a fine and academic hold on your account until said matter is paid/resolved.
- LOST ITEMS: All personal items must be removed from the study carrel by June 30th. Library staff will attempt to contact you about any items left behind after the commencement ceremony; items not claimed may be thrown away at staff discretion.
- Carrel & locker users are expected to abide by all other library policies.
- If you decide to relinquish your carrel early, or find issues/concerns with a carrel, please contact rfigueroa@iliff.edu
Collection Development
While ensuring a breadth of perspectives in collection development is a community
responsibility, the Collections Development and Reference Librarian retains final responsibility for acquisitions in order to maintain balance in the collection, ensure the representation of various points of view, and oversee the coverage of all curricular areas.
All materials purchased with funds allocated to the Library become property of the Iliff School of Theology, available for the use of the entire Iliff community.
Departmental or personal office collections cannot be supported through Library resources and instead must be purchased with the funds of the department or person using such collections.
Material Types and Accessibility
The Iliff School of Theology has transitioned to a hybrid institution. This means that we have a small local student body and that a majority of our community is remote.
In efforts to make the library’s collections more accessible, we prioritize the purchase of electronic resources. This means that we will purchase the electronic book with a higher users access allowance in lieu of a physical copy. There are some cases in which an electronic version is not available and we will then purchase the physical copy.
The decision to prioritize electronic materials is not only based on the hybrid nature of our community but also on the accessibility needs of our community. There are many within our community who require assistance to read the materials. Electronic resources offer the ability to change the font size or use text-to-speech software.